Sunday, October 17, 2010

Will wind be the future?

Everyday environmentally driven companies strive to create the technologies that will sustain our future. While ingenuity is present, the funds to back up renewable energy alternatives endeavors such as solar panels, hydro electric dams or win farms are not always there. Luckily strides have started to be made towards sustainable development.

Google and New York Financial have each agreed to invest in a 5 billion dollar transmission backbone for future offshore wind farms  along the Atlantic Seaboard. The wind farm will stretch 350 miles and make it easier for electricity to be brought onshore in the New Jersey, Virginia and Delaware regions. 

While offshore wind farms are more expensive than coal or oil, it will ultimately lower our nations footprint and hopefully contribute to the end of climate change. The trouble though, like other renewable energy plans is convincing the public and high powered industries to switch from a cheap abundant alternative to a new more technologically advanced resource.

Although it will take time, moving forward to a greener future is possible, especially with high corporate and government backing.

To read more about the proposed offshore wind farm visit:

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