The authors of cradle to cradle discuss the current system of economic production in that economic considerations are the sole focus and not on the environmental aspect. They lay out the way the current system works is one where goods and services are produced in a linear cycle with not much thought on how the cycle ends. The authors discuss possibilities in which the cycle which is currently linear becomes a circle so the waste of one product can be used to create another one.
The authors are on the right track especially when they discuss how something that is less of a damage is still damage on the environment. Those who consider themselves environmentalists and are environmentally conscious still are having a significant impact on the environment. They also mention how trying to be environmentally conscious can be tough when doing things to save the environment in one way can actually greater the environmental damage in another. The authors are able though to present their case in a way is easy for the average person to read their book.I feel that this book is a great start to the environmental conversation. I personally would rather have the shift go from how can we reduce our impact from how can we have no impact or even a positive one and I feel the authors would agree with me on this sentiment. Being concerned with the environment is great but sometimes you need to go further and actually change a whole system of doing things like the authors suggest.
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